HP Array Configuration Utility 88
XML support
ACU scripting v8.30 and later support an XML file format for input and output.
XML output
To create an XML output document, use an XML suffix with the output file name:
C:\hpacuscripting -c out.xml
The following text is an example XML output file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- Date captured: Tue Jun 09 10:03:08 2009 -->
<!-- Version: 8:30:4 -->
<Controller ID="Slot 1">
<!-- Controller HP Smart Array P410, Firmware Version 1.99 -->
<!-- LicenseKeyType "Flex License" -->
<!-- Unassigned Drives 1I:4:5 (60.0 GB), 2I:2:1 (72 GB) -->
<Array ID="A">
<!-- Array Drive Type is Solid State SATA -->
<!-- Free space 0 GBytes -->
<!-- 1I:4:8 (120.0 GB),1I:4:7 (120.0 GB) -->
<Drive>1I:4:8, 1I:4:7</Drive>
<LogicalDrive ID="1">