Chapter 6
HP NetRAID Software
Novell NetWare 4.2 and 5.x
1. Exit to the DOS prompt.
2. Insert the diskette called "NetRAID Software—NetWare."
3. Type
Copy <d1>:\NetRAID\*.* <d2>:\nwserver
, where
is the drive letter for the diskette drive and
is the hard disk where
NetWare is installed. Press Enter.
4. To load the HP NetRAID Config utility, type:
load <d2>:\nwserver\megamgr.nlm
and press Enter at the
NetWare console prompt.
SCO OpenServer 5.0.x and UnixWare 7.0
No instructions are necessary. The HP NetRAID Config utility was installed
automatically when you installed the HP NetRAID driver.
Step L. Run HP NetRAID Express Tools
After you have installed your software, you may need to run the HP NetRAID
Express Tools utility. Run HP NetRAID Express Tools if you need to do any of
the following:
If you are using either Fast/Wide or Ultra/Wide devices in an external
mass storage enclosure, set the SCSI transfer rate.
The default SCSI transfer rate is Ultra3.
The alternative SCSI transfer rates are Fast, Ultra, and Ultra2.
Change the SCSI transfer rate for the external channel to match the
external devices or external enclosure.
You do not need to set the SCSI transfer rate if you are using internal
hot-swap mass storage only, since it is Ultra3.
Instead of using HP NetRAID Express Tools to change the
PCI class code, you can use the Set Class utility in the
"HP NetRAID Software for DOS" utility in the diskette library
on the HP Netserver Navigator CD-ROM. This is faster if you
have multiple HP NetRAID-1M or 2M adapters because it
avoids multiple restarts of the HP Netserver.