14 Troubleshooting
Power-up (Boot) Error Messages
Adapter displays message “Firmware Failed Validation”
Problem: The firmware has been corrupted.
Suggested solution: Use the flash utility with the /b option to repair the image.
Adapter displays message “Cache Memory Failure”
Problem(s): Memory module is either:
Not connected correctly.
Not supported by the adapter.
Suggested solutions:
Check the memory module connection.
Try another memory module.
Make sure that the adapter supports the memory being used.
If no cache is installed, the message displayed is: “MEGARaid
Adapter Copyright© American Megatrends, Inc. Cache
Memory Error! Please check SDRAM connection. If problem
persists contact Tech Support Press Any Key to
Adapter BIOS Disabled. No Logical Drives Handled by BIOS
Problem: The adapter BIOS is disabled. (This is not a problem if the BIOS is
intentionally disabled to prevent booting from the adapter.)
Suggested solution: Enable the BIOS by using HP NetRAID Express Tools, as
described in "Run Configuration Utilities" in Chapter 6, "HP NetRAID