Chapter 4
Read Policy
The three Read policies for HP NetRAID are:
Read-Ahead: This is a memory caching feature that tells the adapter to
read sequentially ahead of requested data and cache the additional data in
memory, anticipating that the additional data will be requested.
Read-Ahead supplies sequential data faster, but it is not as efficient when
accessing random data.
Normal: This policy does not use the read-ahead memory-caching feature.
This policy is efficient when most of the data reads are random.
Adaptive: Adaptive policy causes the read-ahead feature to be used if the
last two disk accesses were in sequential sectors.
For each logical drive, record the read policy in Worksheet B.
Cache Policy
HP NetRAID lets you choose one of two cache policies:
Cached I/O: Reads are always cached regardless of randomness. The
selected Read policy (Read-Ahead, Normal, or Adaptive) and Write policy
(Write-Through and Write-Back) always applies.
Direct I/O: First reads to a new location always come directly from the
disk. If a location is read repeatedly, then the Read policy as selected will
apply and the read data will be cached. Read data is cached only if
accessed repeatedly. With 100% randomness, nothing is cached.
For each logical drive, record the cache policy in Worksheet B.