Step I. Use the HP Netserver Navigator
CD-ROM to Prepare Diskettes, 67
Step J. Install NOS and HP NetRAID
Drivers, 72
Step K. Install NOS-specific
Configuration Utility, 73
Step L. Run HP NetRAID Express
Tools, 75
Step M. Prepare for Online Capacity
Expansion, 79
Stripe size (depth)
HP NetRAID, 168
planning, 36
setting, 57
Striping, 168
Support, 148
Tagged Command Queuing, 5
Tools, 9
Undo button, 58
hot spares, 55
logical drives, 58, 60
physical drives, 60
UnixWare, 67, 72, 73, 79
configuration utility installation, 75
Upgrading to an HP NetRAID-1Si
adapter, 99
Upgrading to an HP NetRAID-3Si
adapter, 99
configuration, 65
HP NetRAID Assistant, 48, 73, 123
HP NetRAID Config, 73, 75, 124
HP NetRAID Express Tools, 125
HP NetRAID Monitor, 126
installing NOS-specific, 73
latest versions, 68
Virtual sizing, 57, 80, 82, 86, 87, 88,
90, 92, 94, 95, 96, 164, 168
disabling, 88, 96
enabling, 83, 92
hardware accessories limited, 147
Windows 2000
configuration utility installation, 73
Windows 2000, 70, 71, 72, 73, 79, 112,
Basic Disk Mode, 95
Dynamic Disk Mode, 95
online capacity expansion, 94
Windows 95/98, 112
Windows NT
configuration utility installation, 73
Windows NT, 67, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74,
79, 90, 112, 114
Windows NT Terminal Server Edition,
74, 108
configuration utility installation, 74
Wizard. See HP NetRAID Assistant
Worksheet A, 156
Worksheet B, 159
Write policy, 169
planning, 37
setting, 57