Chapter 14
Message "Some Inconsistency Cured" Appears the First Time Consistency Check
is Run
If you have an HP NetRAID-2M or NetRAID-1M, and are running a consistency
check for the first time, the disk area on which nothing is written will be cleared.
It is normal for the system to indicate that this has occurred and is not a warning
of errors in the system.
Troubleshooting Management Over the Network
Only the most common problems are covered here. For more troubleshooting for
HP NetRAID Assistant, refer to the HP NetRAID Series User Guide.
Common Problems
Without HP NetRAID Assistant, the client(s) and server(s) connect normally, but the
HP NetRAID Assistant cannot connect to any servers
For HP NetRAID Assistant to connect to a server, it must resolve the server via
TCP/IP. Ping the server by name from the client or server that will run
HP NetRAID Assistant. If this is unsuccessful, then the client or server that will
run HP NetRAID Assistant cannot resolve the server using TCP/IP. Confirm the
following conditions:
The IP addresses are unique.
The subnet mask is not causing a group resolution problem.
The hosts file contains correct names and IP addresses for all servers with
HP NetRAID-1M or 2M adapters to be managed.
No response when connecting to a server; may get Server Not Responding
message after several minutes
The server is likely to be down and the connection attempt/timeout may take two
minutes before a message is generated. Be sure the selected server is up.
If the server is still not up when the timeout message is
displayed, HP NetRAID Assistant will exit.