# In BGP view, configure both the keepalive interval and holdtime as 0 seconds, indicating the sessions
will never time out.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bgp 100
[Sysname-bgp] timer keepalive 0 hold 0
# In BGP-VPN instance view, configure both the keepalive interval and holdtime as 0 seconds for BGP
sessions in
, indicating the sessions will never time out.
<Sysname> system-view
[Sysname] bgp 100
[Sysname-bgp] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[Sysname-bgp-vpn1] timer keepalive 0 hold 0
Related commands
display bgp peer ipv4 unicast
display bgp peer ipv6 unicast
peer timer