SVC 7- 6
Liquid sampling valves are designed for use with liquefied gases under pressure such as ethane, propane,
butane, LNG, etc. They are not intended for nonvolatile liquids (at room conditions) where a concealed leak
may allow an accumulation or pool of liquid to form that may present a significant fire hazard. All standard
liquid sample valves have 1/16 inch fittings and are classified by the sample size of the installed rotor (0.2mL,
0.5mL, or 1mL capacity). The two types of valves available are standard or low pressure (1000 psig) and
high pressure (5000 psig), in the four port, single purpose liquid sampling valve. Whenever a liquid sample
valve is used, an adjustable restrictor is employed on the sample outlet line to maintain internal sample pres-
sure and thereby keep a compressed gas liquefied.
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