[PE2] vlan 110
[PE2-vlan110] interface vlan-interface 110
[PE2-Vlan-interface110] mpls
[PE2-Vlan-interface110] mpls ldp
[PE2-Vlan-interface110] quit
# Create a VPN instance for VPN 1 on PE 2 and bind VLAN-interface 210 to the VPN instance.
[PE2] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-vpn-vpn1] route-distinguisher 300:1
[PE2-vpn-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1 both
[PE2-vpn-vpn1] quit
[PE2] vlan 210
[PE2-vlan210] interface vlan-interface 210
[PE2-Vlan-interface210] ip binding vpn-instance vpn1
[PE2-Vlan-interface210] ip address 24
[PE2-Vlan-interface210] quit
Configure BGP.
# Configure CE 1.
[CE1] vlan 310
[CE1-vlan310] interface vlan-interface 310
[CE1-Vlan-interface310] ip address 24
[CE1-Vlan-interface310] quit
[CE1] bgp 65410
[CE1-bgp] import-route direct
[CE1-bgp] group 10 external
[CE1-bgp] peer group 10 as-number 100
[CE1-bgp] quit
# Configure CE 2.
[CE2] vlan 210
[CE2-vlan210] interface vlan-interface 210
[CE2-Vlan-interface210] ip address 24
[CE2-Vlan-interface210] quit
# Configure CE 3.
[CE3] vlan 210
[CE3-vlan210] interface vlan-interface 210
[CE3-Vlan-interface210] ip address 24
[CE3-Vlan-interface210] quit
[CE3] bgp 65430
[CE3-bgp] import-route direct
[CE3-bgp] group 10 external
[CE3-bgp] peer group 10 as-number 100
[CE3-bgp] quit
# Configure PE 1:
Establish an iBGP peer relationship with PE 2 in BGP-VPNv4 subaddress family view.
Establish an eBGP peer relation with CE 1 in BGP VPN 1 instance view.
Redistribute the static routes and advertise the routes to the remote PE in VPN 2 instance view.
(Static routes are used for communication between PE 1 and CE 2.)