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Connection of pipelines
On of the boiler installation the pipelines are connected
directly to the feed and the return connectors. Please
note the designations for the pipeline connectors in
chapter 2.2.
Condensate draining and neutralisation
The condensate from heat output gas boilers is to be
transferred to the public drainage system or an own
drainage system and where prescribed, neutralised
prior to introduction.
Please comply with the instructions of the re-
sponsible local waste water authorities.
In Austria:
Please note the planning directives for heat output
firing systems in the Austrian Standard H 5152 and
in particular the ÖVGW (G 41).
It is important, already prior to planning and executing
the boiler system to contact the responsible authorities
to plan and execute the condensate drainage accord-
ing to regulations.
The siphon drain pipe must be directed into a
Gas connection
The installation of the gas pipeline and first
placing in operation must be carried out by a
recognised expert.
The provisions of the relevant national regulations
(SVGW directives, ÖVGW directives, DVGW-TRGI
86-96, DIN 4750) as well as local regulations of gas
supply enterprises should be observed.
A manually operated shut-off device (gas shut-off
cock) in accordance with the local regulations is to
be installed directly before the boiler.
Please ask your local gas supply authority whether it
is necessary for an approved gas filter to be installed
between the manual shut-off valve and the boiler, to
eliminate faults due to particles carried in the gas.
In Germany some regional building regulations re-
quire the installation of a thermally activated shut-off
valve directly before the boiler. Please enquire at your
local regional planning office.
It is imperative to check all gas-carry-
ing pipelines for leaks before initially
placing the boiler in operation.
Electrical connection
The appliance must always be discon-
nected from the electrical supply be-
fore working on the TopGas®.
Electrical connection regulations
All electrical installation work, in particular the protec-
tive measures are to be carried out corresponding to
the relevant regulations and any special regulations
of the local energy supplier; in particular the local
regulations must be complied with.
On installing the system, the provisions of VDE 0100
and the regulations of the responsible power supply
company are to be observed.
Accident prevention regulations
”General regulations (VBG1)”
”Electrical installations and equipment (VBG4)”