Installation manual
Hoval BelariaSRM
4P330420-1A – 2012.11
4 211 846 / 00 – 11/12
4 Configuration
Leaving water temperature: Modulation
Leaving water temperature: Emitter type
4.2.6 Domestic hot water control
4.2.7 Contact/helpdesk number
Leaving water temperature modulation:
0 (No): Disabled
1 (Yes): Enabled. The leaving
water temperature is calculated
according to the difference
between desired and actual room
This allows better matching of the
heat pump capacity to actual
required capacity and results in
less start/stop cycles of the
heat pump and more economic
Reaction time of the system:
0: Quick. Example: Small water
volume and fan coils.
1: Slow. Example: Large water
volume, floor heating loops.
Depending on the system water volume
and the heat emitters type, the heat up
or cool down of a space can take
longer. This setting can compensate for
a slow or a quick heating/cooling
system by adjusting the unit capacity
during the heat up/cool down cycle.
Domestic hot water Setpoint mode:
0 (Reheat only): Only reheat
operation is allowed.
1 ( sched.): Same as 2, but
between the scheduled heatup
cycles, reheat operation is allowed.
2 (Scheduled only): The domestic
hot water tank can ONLY be heated
according to a schedule.
How has the tank temperature to be
displayed on the user interface?
As temperature.
As graphic: The temperature has to
displayed as available hot water for
x persons. If you choose this, you
also have to configure which
number equals which temperature
under [A.]~[A.]:
The maximum temperature that users
can select for the domestic hot water.
You can use this setting to limit the
temperature at the hot water taps.
It is recommended NOT to use the selection of ([6-0D]=0,
[A.4.1] Domestic hot water Setpoint mode=Reheat only) in
case of a domestic hot water tank without internal booster
The risk of space heating (cooling) capacity shortage/comfort
problems is significant (in case of frequent domestic hot
water operation, frequent and long space heating/cooling
interruption will happen).
Number that users can call in case of
4P330420-1A - 2012.11_offset.book Page 14 Thursday, December 13, 2012 3:35 PM