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Service Manual UK
Virtual Sensor (BLAC WASH PUMP) Sensing Blocked Filter
If, during the wash cycle, the Wash Pump (functioning as Virtual Sensor) senses a Clogged Filters/
Suds situation, the main board will reduce the motor rpm by 20%.
If the situation stabilizes, the problem will be identified as “Suds” and the pump continues operating at
the new speed.
If the pump continues to struggle (condition 3: build-up of suds or filters clogged),
the speed will be reduced by a further 20% and the problem identified as “Clogged Filters”. If the
situation stabilizes, the pump will continue operating at the new speed.
If the problem persists, the machine will begin to top up with water until there are
5.5 litres in the tub or until the problem is overcome (whichever occurs first).
If the problem still persists (even after 5.5 litres of water have entered), the machine
will drain and the program skips to the next step of the cycle.
Drain Pump
The new Drain Pump has a BLAC motor.
The speed of this pump is controlled by the Power Module in response
to the different conditions prevailing at any given moment.
The BLAC Drain Pump's main function is to drain water from the
In addition, the BLAC drain pump (in combination with the BLAC Wash
Pump) operate as a virtual sensors.
Anti Flood Device
Consisting of a polystyrene float and microswitch. An excess of water in the base operates the float
switch sending a signal to the control module operating the drain pump and displaying a fault code on
the console.