Rev. 1.0
The HEGS5300 keyboard, as supplied, includes a 1.5-meter standard interface cable.
The HEGS5300 is supplied as an O.E.M. component, therefore it is a mandatory
requirement to specify the installation parameters in order to comply with the European
Directives on E.M.C.
The HEGS5300 keyboards have been installed, tested and found to comply under the
following conditions:
1. With the standard lead attached to the System Controller.
2. With the standard lead attached to an approved telecommunications modem and
with the power requirements supplied by a CE approved Plug Pack.
3. With the standard lead attached to a Fiber Optic Transmitter and with the power
requirements supplied by a CE approved Plug Pack.
4. With a passive extension (not exceeding 50m total) using a cable and Shield Beads,
with the Shield Beads fitted adjacent to the connectors.
It should be noted that any variation to the above conditions may not comply
with the European Directives on E.M.C. and therefore must be cleared with the
supplier before implementation.
4. Connect 12 VDC power to the CCTV control keyboards.
5. Interconnect the video subracks using the provided cables. Take care to ensure the
cables are installed as shown in the enclosed drawing for your configuration.
6. Connect the menu output of the HMXAT200 to the last video input in the system
using an RG59 video patch cable with BNC connectors on both ends.
7. Connect all video inputs and outputs to the video subracks per the completed
worksheets. Note: If the switcher system is looping, a looping panel(s) is required
for each HMX32128 chassis in the system. If there are 64 or less video inputs, one
looping panel can be used. If there are more than 64 video inputs, two (2)
HMXBNC128 looping panels are required for each HMX32128 chassis. Looping
coax ribbon cables, MXLCM4, are required for connection between the looping
panel(s) and the HMX32128 chassis. One looping coax ribbon cable is required for
each set of eight (8) video inputs. Refer to the drawing provided with your system
for looping video configurations.
8. If the HMX4248 I/O module is installed on the switcher, refer to section 3.2 for
installation and setup details.