Rev. 1.0
If we take this a step farther the top 4 monitors can be defined as “Monitor D”, “Monitor
E”, “Monitor F”, and “Monitor G.” If you add another station to the system and duplicate
this setup you can still use the same logical monitor selection for it. In this manner, the
operator does not have to know what the monitor number is at the station he is currently
working on, he only needs to use the same Mon A, B, C, D, E, F, or G keys. The default
logical monitor selection is programmed for 1 keyboard and is programmed for monitors
1 through 8. To edit these monitor numbers you look at the sequence tables on lines 30
through 37. With the logical monitor selection the columns identify which keyboard ID
you are programming. To edit the tables for the example described above we would do
the following:
On line 30 (Mon A) under column 1 (keyboard ID 1) we would enter 5 (the actual monitor number).
On line 31 (Mon B) under column 1 (keyboard ID 1) we would enter 6 (the actual monitor number).
On line 32 (Mon C) under column 1 (keyboard ID 1) we would enter 7 (the actual monitor number).
On line 33 (Mon D) under column 1 (keyboard ID 1) we would enter 1 (the actual monitor number).
On line 34 (Mon E) under column 1 (keyboard ID 1) we would enter 2 (the actual monitor number).
On line 35 (Mon F) under column 1 (keyboard ID 1) we would enter 3 (the actual monitor number).
On line 36 (Mon G) under column 1 (keyboard ID 1) we would enter 4 (the actual monitor number).
If we expanded this system to the second operator/keyboard we would add the
On line 30 (Mon A) under column 2 (keyboard ID 2) we would enter 12 (the actual monitor number).
On line 31 (Mon B) under column 2 (keyboard ID 2) we would enter 13 (the actual monitor number).
On line 32 (Mon C) under column 2 (keyboard ID 2) we would enter 14 (the actual monitor number).
On line 33 (Mon D) under column 2 (keyboard ID 2) we would enter 8 (the actual monitor number).
On line 34 (Mon E) under column 2 (keyboard ID 2) we would enter 9 (the actual monitor number).
On line 35 (Mon F) under column 2 (keyboard ID 2) we would enter 10 (the actual monitor number).
On line 36 (Mon G) under column 2 (keyboard ID 2) we would enter 11 (the actual monitor number).
To save changes to the floppy disk:
1. Select
2. Select
Save All.