For connection details, see section "Modbus Connection" on
pg. 23.
Shielding is especially recommended when the Modbus cable
is installed in areas with expected or actual electromagnetic
noise. Avoiding such areas is to be preferred.
Use shielded twisted pair cable shielded twisted pair cable J-
Y-(St)-Y 2 x 2 x 0,8 and connect the Modbus to a noise-free
earth ground – only once per Modbus connection.
RS485 Repeaters
RS485 repeaters are possible, but have not been tested by
Honeywell. Hence it is within responsibility of the
installing/commissioning person to ensure proper function.
Each Modbus segment will require its own line
polarization and line termination.
Modbus Master Specifications
Modbus Compliance
As per the Modbus standard, the EAGLEHAWK controller is a
conditionally compliant "regular" Modbus device.
The EAGLEHAWK controller differs from an unconditionally
compliant "regular" Modbus device in that it does not support
communication rates of 1.2, 2.4, and 4.8 kBaud (because
these communication rates are not market-relevant).
Physical Layer
2-wire serial line RS485 (EIA-485) (with additional common)
Communication rates:
9.6, 19.2, 38.4, 57.6, 76.8, and
115.2 kBaud supported.
Max. number of devices:
Cable and wiring specifications: See section "Wiring and Set-
Up" on pg. 11.
Communication Mode
Typically: Modbus Master.
Transmission Mode
RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) and (via Ethernet) TCP/IP.
Address Range
Modbus slaves can have an address between 1 and 247.
Discrete Inputs, Coils, Input Registers and Holding Registers
can have an address between 1 and 65534.
Further Information
For further information, please refer to the Modbus Driver
documentation (docModbus.pdf).