MAN0604_Issue 09_02-2013
2. OvERviEW
2.3.2 Collecting Cone
Caution: This accessory should not be used for calibration purposes.
Part Number: 2110B2151
The Collecting Cone is
for use when monitoring lighter-than-air gases.
Its shape is designed to:
increase the collection area for lighter than air gases
allow the gases to escape so that the time to clear an alarm is not
excessively prolonged.
fit against a wall or other flat surface
Conforms to
CSA C22.2 No. 152
when fitted to the Certified Sensor with specific cartridges installed.
See specifications for details.
The Collecting Cone is attached to the sensor by means of a bayonet fitting.
Inside the cone is a 1/4in. O/D nozzle that can accept a tube and which provides a means to directly
inject gas to the front of the sensor for gas response checking. The recommended flow rate for
response checks is 1 litre per minute.
Accuracy of reading is not guaranteed.
Note: Do not carry out response checks at wind speeds greater than 10m/s (22mph).