FireNET FN-DAC Digital Alarm Communicator I & O Manual - v 1.0
panels and annunciators in the event of a power supply trouble.
Power supply trouble events must also be reported to the monitoring
station so that appropriate action can be taken. See figure 2.3.3 for
typical connections.
2) The Remote PSU digital inputs on the network annunciator may be
used to monitor the power supply trouble relay outputs. Each input
will generate a specific message on the annunciator and FireNET
network that corresponds with the particular trouble condition. These
inputs are assigned as follows:
BD = Battery Disconnected
BL = Battery Low
AC / PF = AC Failure
GF = Ground Fault
CT = Power Supply Trouble
Note that the digital inputs must be used with normally-open dry
contacts. The inputs are activated by connecting the negative (-)
terminal on the Remote PSU connector to the input. See figure 2.3.4
for typical connections.
: The digital inputs on the network annunciator are NOT supervised. Therefore,
when using the digital inputs for supervision of the power supply, the remote power
supply must be installed in the same room as the network annunciator and within 20
feet of the annunciator enclosure. The interconnecting wiring must be enclosed within
conduit or equivalently protected against mechanical injury!
: Wiring is to be routed away from sharp projections, corners and internal