The rear central window of the canopy was removed using a small Dremel grinding tip. This
should assist in allowing additional heated air to be exhausted from the aircraft’s internal
spaces. It also allows air introduced by the propeller to be exhausted – without this the
canopy will overcome the magnetic catch and lift – if not be lost.
Small radii in corners can be noted – from a distance the opening is hardly noticeable.
Wing Spars
The wing spar arrangement has been the subject of much criticism and a number of various
proposals to modify the original arrangement. Whilst the method I have applied may not be
best available it must be borne in mind that one does not set out – on receipt of a model
from a supplier- to essentially redesign the entire aircraft.
In many instances any modification will be a compromise.
Given the anecdotal information with regard to wing and wing surface failures an approach
has been taken to strengthen the wing attachment method and at the same time allow for
the actual wing sections to be capable of removal.
Small radii remaining after
opening back window section