Installing the servo tray Constructing the tail section
Mix l/8oz. (3.5ml) of 6-minute epoxy to glue the
servo tray into the fuselage. Apply epoxy to all
fuselage parts that will come in contact with the
servo tray.
Q Locate the horizontal stabilizer slot under the
covering on the tail section of the fuselage by
pressing lightly with your finger. The slot will be
located on both sides of the tail. Using a hobby
knife, carefully remove the covering exposing the
slots. Note: Do not cut into the balsa wood
sheeting around the slot.
Installing the wing dowels
LI The wing dowel holes are predrilled. Locate the
four round holes (two on each side of the fuselage)
and remove the covering over each hole. Insert the
two wood dowels into the fuselage. The shorter
dowel is installed towards the tail of the airplane.
Install the dowel caps onto the dowels using four
2.5mm x 8mm sheet metal screws. You may need to
hold one screw with a pliers while installing the
other side.
Vertical stabilizer slot covering
Q Using your finger, locate the vertical stabilizer
slot on the top of the fuselage. Remove the
covering with a hobby knife in the same manner as
for the horizontal stabilizer slots. This will allow
better viewing access when centering the
horizontal stabilizer.
Finding the centerline
Q Locate the horizontal stabilizer and draw a
centerline on the side with the three color graphics.
Insert the stabilizer into the tail section with the line
showing through the vertical stabilizer slot.