65 (124)
Configure the Transaction settings.
You can name the transaction to make it easier to identify.
Read quantity
1 to 125
Specifies the number of registers to read in the read data field.
Appear when Modbus transaction Read Write Multiple Registers (23)
is selected.
0 to 65 535
Specify the start address for the read/write transaction.
The address acts as an address to the data position, where the data
is read from or written to.
Modbus holding register addresses starts at 0.
Modbus address 0 = Register 1
Write quantity
Read Write Multiple
Registers (23)
1 to 123
Specifies the quantity of registers/coils to write in the write data
Appear when Modbus transaction Read Write Multiple Registers (23)
is selected.
Read Holding Registers
Read Input Registers (4)
1 to 125
Write Multiple Coils (15)
1 to 1968
Write Multiple Registers
1 to 123
Read Coils (1)
Read Discrete Inputs (2)
1 to 2000
The Quantity parameter appear when you select a Modbus
transaction that can address more than one data object.
Example when Quantity is set: For the Modbus Transaction
Input Registers (4)
you need to set the Quantity in order to define
the array of data.
Example when no Quantity is set: For the Modbus Transaction
Single Coil (5)
you do not need to set the Quantity parameter
because there can not be an array of data. The transaction is used to
write a single output to either ON or OFF in a remote device.
For Write Single Coil (5), Write Single Register (6) and Mask Write
Register (22) Quantity cannot be set.
0 to 255
The value of the Constant in the frame.
0 to 512
The length of the data field.
Variable data
0 to 255
The maximum payload length of the variable data field.
Update mode
On data change
Single shot
Change of state on
Specify when a transaction shall be sent to the server.
The transaction is issued cyclically, at the interval specified in the
Update time parameter.
Cyclically: The transaction is sent cyclically, at the interval specified in
the Update time parameter.
On data change: The transaction is sent when the data is changed.
Single shot: The transaction is issued once at start up.
Change of state on trigger: The transaction is triggered when the
content of a specified byte changes. In the I/O data map, the node
will be marked with a flash icon.In the I/O data map you can also
configure the area map and the trigger byte address. Refer to
Update time
3 ms to 60 000 ms
Update mode parameter must be set to Cyclically. The Update time
parameter appear when Cyclically is select.
Specify how often, in steps of 10 ms, the transaction are going to be
Positive ack
When Positive Acknowledgement is enabled, the positive ack data
byte in the I/O data map is incremented each time this transaction
Negative ack
When Negative Acknowledgement is enabled, the negative ack data
byte in the I/O data map is incremented each time this transaction
To apply the settings, click
in the web-interface header, and follow the instructions..
User Manual
SCM-1202-152 1.10 en-US