55 (124)
Data Delimiter and Subnet Delimiter Options
In a variable data object, the length of the data field may vary depending on the type of data
being read in a specific case.
In order to present the variable data correctly on the corresponding network, the length of the
data field must be identified.
In a Variable data object, there are three ways to identify the data length; by length character,
end character or length of message.
Data delimiter - Data is forwarded from the Communicator to the PLC
The Communicator can be configured to forward data as process data.
Different Data delimiter options can be used for data sent from the subnetwork to the
Communicator and for data forwarded from the Communicator to the high level network, to fit
the requirements in the PLC.
In most cases, when a stream of data is sent from the Communicator to the PLC the Byte counter
(length character) or End pattern (end character) format is used.
Subnet delimiter - Incoming data from a serial node to the Communicator
The Communicator can be configured to expect data from one of the three Subnet delimiter
options; Byte counter, End pattern or None.
If the incoming data match the Subnet delimiter format the data is captured and the data section
is forwarded to the high level network.
If the incoming data do not match the Subnet delimiter format, the data is ignored and will be
matched with the next consume transaction.
Transaction template Variable data settings
Select a desired
Variable data
User Manual
SCM-1202-152 1.10 en-US