Smart Camera User Manual
division. Click Trigger and IO Control and select LineIn_0 from the
Count Source
and enter the available value in count number, ranging from 1 to 1023.
Figure 3. 26
Counter Frequency Division Configuration
3.5.2 Opto-isolated output
Click Line Out Selector as the following figure, the signals form LineOut 0, LineOut
1, LineOut 2 are transmission via 12 Pin I/O cable, PWM1 is transmitted by externa
light cable, which control the external light. Check Line Out Inverter box can inverter
the opto-isolated voltage between high level and the low level.
Figure 3. 27
Opto-isolated output selector
AcqusitionStartActive: start acquisition
AcqusitionStopActive: stop acquisition
FrameBurstStartActive: start burst acquisition
FrameBurstEndActive: end frame burst
ExposureStartActive: start acquisition at exposure moment
CountActive: counter output
TimeActive: output pulse duty ratio and frequency