Digital Video Recorder User Manual
STRONG PASSWORD RECOMMENDED-We highly recommend you create a strong password of
your own choosing (Using a minimum of 8 characters, including at least three of the following
categories: upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers, and special characters.) in order to
increase the security of your product. And we recommend you reset your password regularly,
especially in the high security system, resetting the password monthly or weekly can better protect
your product.
Level: Set user Level to Operator or Guest.
Operator: The Operator user level has permission of Two-way Audio in Remote
Configuration and all operating permission in Camera Configuration by default.
Guest: The Guest user has no permission of Two-way Audio in Remote Configuration
and only has the local/remote playback in the Camera Configuration by default.
Step 4
Click OK.
6.2 Network Configuration
6.2.1 General
Network settings must be properly configured before you operate video recorder over network.
Step 1
Go to Configuration > Network > General.
Step 2
Configure network parameters.
Working mode:
Multi-address Mode: The parameters of the two NIC cards can be configured
independently. You can select LAN1 or LAN2 in the NIC type field for parameter settings. You
can select one NIC card as default route. And then the system is connecting with the extranet
and the data will be forwarded through the default route.
Net-fault Tolerance Mode: The two NIC cards use the same IP address, and you can
select the Main NIC to LAN1 or LAN2. By this way, in case of one NIC card failure, the video
recorder will automatically enable the other standby NIC card so as to ensure the normal
running of the whole system.
Load Balance Mode: By using the same IP address and two NIC cards share the load
of the total bandwidth, which enables the system to provide two Gigabit network capacity.
NIC Type: Select NIC Type as your desire.
DHCP: If the DHCP server is available, you can check Enable DHCP to automatically obtain an
IP address and other network settings from that server.
Obtain DNS Automatically: If DHCP is checked. You can check Obtain DNS Automatically to
obtain Preferred DNS Server and Alternate DNS Server.