WELCOME to the Hergóm range.
We would like to thank you for choosing our Hergóm
cooker, mod. L-09 cooker, which represents, in technique
and style, a significant improvement on classical coal and
log cookers.
We are sure that your new cooker will prove fully
satisfactory, which is the most outstanding feature of our
Owning a Hergóm model displays an exceptional sense of
Please read this manual in full. Its purpose is to familiarise
users with their cookers by explaining extremely useful
installation, operational and maintenance instructions. Keep
this manual at hand for future reference whenever
necessary. If, after reading this manual, you should require
any extra clarification, please consult your regular dealer or
call the factory directly.
IMPORTANT WARNING: If the cooker is not installed
correctly, it will not provide the excellent service for which
it has been designed. Please read these instructions in full
and trust the work to a specialist.
Industrias Hergóm, S.A. may not be held liable for any
damages caused by alterations in its products that have not
been authorised in writing, or for faulty installation work.
Furthermore, it reserves the right to alter its products
without prior warning.
Any responsibility for manufacturing defects will be subject
to the criteria and verification of our experts and will be, in
all cases, limited to the repair or replacement of the
manufactured elements, excluding any construction work or
damage that the said repair work may cause.