21/03/2019 Rev.2 (04/12/2019)
Step 10 :
Mattress holders
Step 11 :
Emergency lowering of the backrest.
In case of power failure, the backrest can be lowered manually.
This function MUST be operated by at least two persons as the backrest may collapse and causes severe
injuries. It MUST be done only per trained staff paying attention to the risks.
We advise you strongly to operate this function under normal conditions to get experienced.
Relieve the load on the backrest :
• the first person holds the backrest in an upper position.
• the second person removes the lynch pin of the actuator.
• the actuator is detached from the backrest and falls down (it is still fixed to the scissor frame).
• the first person brings down the backrest.
Special safety instruction for the use of actuators and electrical parts
*Before using the actuators, make sure that no limbs from patient or third-person can be crushed or squeezed by the mobile parts
of the bed.
*For safety of the patient, lock the remote control when the side rails are in function.There are high risks
of crushing or squee-
zing the patient‘s limbs.
*When adding accessories on the bed, ensure that those don‘t create the risk for the patient to be hurt or crushed. If this is the
case, disconnect the remote control or remove the accessory.
*In that case, place the remote control out of the patient‘s reach.
*Ensure that cables and wires of the remote control and central control box can‘t be damaged in other ways.
*Make sure when moving the bed around that wires and cables can‘t be damaged or rolled over.
*Unplug the power cord from the wall outlet, before moving the bed around.
Ensure that there is enough space available to use the moving elements of the bed in a proper way. No furniture, window
frames should be in the way
*An electronic overload detector switches off the central control box, when the load is too great. After clearing the overload and
pressing the remote control again the central control box will work again.
*After some time the remote control will work again if you press on the adjustments button.
*The maximum period of operation shall not exceed 2 minutes. Afterwards you must respect a pause of 18 minutes. It is also
possible to operate 1 minute followed by a 9 minutes pause.
* If the maximum continuous run time is not respected, a thermal safety component switches off the power for safety reasons.
The remote control will stop working for a more or less longer time, depending on how big the overload was.
*Please respect the adjustment possibilities given in &1.4.7.
* If you use in the same time, various electronic equipment, particularly if those are close to the bed, electronic disturbances
(similar to the interfering noise heard on the radio ) could occure. In such rare cases, increase the distance between the devices,
do not use the same wall outlet, or temporarily switch off either the interfering device or the one being interfered with.
* Electrical connections :
• The central control box supplies power to the actuators.
• Actuators must be correctly pluged into the central control box. The plugs at the end of each cable is equipped with a colour
sticker to avoid wrong plug in.
• Ensure that cables are in a perfect condition and don‘t risk being damaged or crushed when using the bed.
• Cables are equipped with strain reliefs
and cable holders are located under the bed frame. Please hang the cables there.
Distributør i Norge:
Gymo AS - www.gymo.no
(+47) 4000 3522 - [email protected]