Terms and
- The smallest detectable change in a measurement, typically expressed in
engineering units (e.g. 0.15C) or as a number of bits. For example a 12-bit system has 4,096
possible output states. It can therefore measure 1 part in 4096.
Resolver -
Sometimes called encoder. Device attached on a machine to determine stroke
position. Sine/cosine based resolver required for Helm systems.
Reverse Load -
Measurement of negative load/force being exerted on machine following the
break-through of material. Also referred to as snap through.
Sample -
Load/force values established from a series of machine cycles. Also defined as
Sample Count
- User input value used to specify how many machine cycles to base the sample
Sampling time
- The time required by the A/D converter to sample an input channel.
- Value used to describe the press/machine overall tonnage. Set for maximum value of
one channel. For example, settings for a 150 ton press = 75.
Setup Mode
- Status condition of monitor typically enables during die setup. Machine capacity
alarms are enabled. On resolver based systems, press curve alarm can be enabled. This
mode is also used during machine and resolver calibrations.
Status Word
- Contains status information about the channel’s current configuration and
operational state. You can use this information in your ladder program to determine whether
the channel data word is valid.
Target Load -
A reference load established by the user. Used primarily during setup to improve
setup time.
Tolerance /Trend Alarm
- User defined upper and lower control limits established during the
sample and compare process. These limits are established on the peak load and will activate
the machine stop relay when exceeded.
Tracking Alarm -
Requires resolver input. The sample and compare process is applied to the
entire forming force based on user selected upper and lower control limits.
Trend Deviation
- Percent of change, high and low, from sample value to current value.
Update Time
- The time required for the module to sample and convert the input signals of all
enables input channels and make the resulting data values available to the SLC processor.