3 Functions
g) Temperature Dependent Idling Speed
For low temperatures, the engine can be run at some higher idling speed. With the engine
warming up, idling speed is reduced to its normal value. To protect the engine against
possible damages from high temperatures the full load characteristic can be decreased in
dependence of temperature.
h) Oil Pressure Monitoring
For the purpose of oil pressure monitoring, speed/pressure dependent limit curves can be
provided. If oil pressure is too low, an alarm is given; if oil pressure continues to drop, the
engine is shut down.
i) Engine stop
When the switch input for engine shutdown is activated, the governor will cause the actuator
to fully pull to stop direction until the engine has stopped.
j) All Speed Governing with adjustable Droop
Some applications require speed governing with droop, e,g, generator parallel operation
without HEINZMANN-load measuring unit. The droop can be adjusted as desired. With
droop adjusted to 0, the governor operates in isochronuous mode.
k) Idling and Maximum Speed Control
For vehicle application, the governor can be made to operate as an idling and maximum speed
controller. In addition, one fixed intermediate speed is available, e.g., for an application
combining driving and stationary mode (e.g., generator at power take-off). If necessary, a
change-over switching of the droop can be provided, i.e., during stationary operation also
droop zero is possible.
l) Correction of PID Parameters
To optimize the dynamics for every operating point, the PID parameters may be corrected in
dependence of speed, temperature and load by means of freely programmable stability maps.
m) Overspeed Protection
An overspeed point can be parametrised. If this point is overcome, the governor will issue an
alarm and the actuator will fully pull to stop direction.