Stator and rotor part are not connected by ball bearings. To ensure concen-
tric positioning of the rotor part in the housing three fixing elements are pro-
vided at both ends which serve as safeguard during transport and as mount-
ing aid. They enable to adjust the radial and axial play between rotor and
stator part of the torque transducer. After mounting the torque transducer the
fixing elements must be removed.
2.1.1 Torque measurement system
In the torque transducers T32 FNA there are strain gauges for torque mea-
surement mounted on the rotor in the direction of the main stress. They are
connected as a Wheatstone bridge so that only torque will unbalance the
bridge. Temperature effects are also compensated by means of further balan-
cing elements. Additional axial and lateral forces as well as bending moments
within the permitted limits will have only a slight influence (see section ”8.
Technical Data”).
A 15kHz voltage of 54V peak-to-peak for bridge excitation is transmitted by
inductive means. The frequency-to-voltage converter in the rotor forms out of
this a stable bridge excitation voltage. The torque acting on the sensing ele-
ment deforms it and also the strain gauges. The strain gauges change their
resistance proportional to the strain thus detuning the Wheatstone bridge. The
output voltage of the bridge which is proportional to the torque is then fed to a
voltage-to-frequency converter. This, in turn, produces pulses through integra-
tion, the frequency of which is proportional to the bridge output voltage. The
pulses are inductively transmitted to the stator. They are then transformed in a
preamplifier into a pulse frequency of 12V peak-to-peak in the frequency
range from 5kHz to 15kHz. In the no-load state the output signal is 10kHz.
Depending on the sense of the torque the output signal at the ”MD” plug will
be either 15kHz or 5kHz at rated torque.
SUNSTAR传感与控制 http://www.sensor-ic.com/ TEL:0755-83376549 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]
SUNSTAR自动化 http://www.sensor-ic.com/ TEL: 0755-83376489 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]