Limits of application
The nominal speed of the torque transducer is given on the type plate. It re-
fers to the permitted continuous speed of the torque transducer when installed
and represents the maximum load due to the kinetic energy of rotation that
the transducer can tolerate.
Practical experience has shown that the running smoothness of the torque
transducers is very dependent on the overall construction of the testbed.
Thus, vibration can occur whose amplitude may be influenced by the mass of
the resonating housing and foundation, the stiffness of the bearings or sup-
ports and the proximity of resonance. Since HBM can have no responsibility
for such factors, diagram 1 shows the stated limit values of maximum deflec-
tion of the relative shaft vibration s
in relation to the speed for T32 FNA
torque transducers.
Transducers without couplings
- The maximum speed is the nominal speed given on the type plate.
- The torque transducer supplied has been tested on a testbed and fulfils the
requirements of diagram.
Transducers with couplings
- With GLB couplings: nominal speed as for torque transducer according to
diagram 1.
- With SBG couplings: the maximum speed is the lower rated speed of the
couplings being used (see section ”8. Technical Data”)
- The vibration characteristics of the combined torque transducer and cou-
pling supplied by HBM have been tested on a testbed and fulfil the require-
ments of diagram 1.
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SUNSTAR自动化 http://www.sensor-ic.com/ TEL: 0755-83376489 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]