General hints
The torque transducers are screwed to the free shaft ends or to the cou-
plings via flanges at both ends. Dimensions of connections see section
”9. Dimensions”.
Align shaft ends precisely. In order to avoid mechanical overloading HBM
recommend to use couplings at both sides. Thus adverse loadings as
bending moments, lateral and axial forces will be excluded and cannot act
on the torque transducer.
Stator and rotor are not mechanically connected. The stator should be fixed
to an external support construction by means of the mounting plate.
The support should be designed in such a way that the permitted mechani-
cal tolerances are maintained. Axial and radial displacements with respect
to the rotor should only occur within the specified limits (see Technical
The torque transducers T32 FNA are protected to IP 54 according to
EN 60 529. Torque transducers shall be protected against coarse dirt par-
ticles, dust, oil, solvents and humidity.
The torque transducers T32 FNA may be mounted in a train of shafts without
couplings. However, it is imperative that error loads due to deviations from
plane running, smooth running and concentricity shall have no effect on the
torque transducer. Contact HBM, if details on the permissible radial and angu-
lar displacement of the transducers are required.
Since this is very difficult to realise HBM recommend to mount T32 FNA
torque transducers with intermediate couplings e.g. tooth couplings.
SUNSTAR传感与控制 http://www.sensor-ic.com/ TEL:0755-83376549 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]
SUNSTAR自动化 http://www.sensor-ic.com/ TEL: 0755-83376489 FAX:0755-83376182 E-MAIL:[email protected]