Properly hinging the control surfaces on giant-scale models is
vitally important! Poorly installed hinges affect the model’s
precision and control response and can also be dangerous. Each
and every hinge needs to be securely bonded in place in both the
flying surface and the control surface. The hinge pivot points
need to be exactly parallel to each other and precisely located on
the center of the hinge line. We regularly use Robart Super Hinge
Points in all giant-scale aircraft. They are easy to install, very
strong, and offer smooth friction-free control. The Hangar 9
Extra 330L control surfaces are predrilled to use Robart’s Super
Hinge Points.
Step 1.
Sand each end of the hinge point hinge using coarse
sandpaper. This will improve the bond of the epoxy to the hinge.
Step 2.
Mix 1 ounce of 30-minute epoxy. Using a glue syringe
or toothpick, place a sufficient amount of 30-minute epoxy into
one of the hinge pockets on the wings trailing edge. Install one
of the hinge points until the hinge pin center is flush with the
trailing edge of the wing. Some epoxy should ooze out of the
pocket as the hinge is installed. If not, remove the hinge and
apply more epoxy. After gluing a few hinges, you’ll get the hang
of just how much epoxy is needed. Wipe away any excess epoxy
with rubbing alcohol. Recheck that the center of the hinge pin is
flush and parallel with the trailing edge. Continue installing
hinges in the trailing edge of the wing. The control surfaces
(ailerons) will be installed after the epoxy is fully cured.
Be sure that the hinge pivot pins are parallel and
flush to the trailing edge. It’s important to frequently
mix a fresh batch of 30-minute epoxy in order to
achieve good glue joint penetration. If you notice the
epoxy becoming thicker, then mix a new batch!
Section 3: Hinging and Sealing the Control Surfaces
• Wings with ailerons
Included in optional Hangar 9 Hardware Package
• (24) Robart Super Hinge Points #ROB309
Not included
• White UltraCote
• Pearl Blue UltraCote
• Sealing iron
• Sharp #11 hobby knife
• Ruler, 36"
• Glue Syringe (DLR910) (or toothpick)
• Coarse sandpaper
• Pen
• 30-minute epoxy
• Rubbing alcohol
• Paper towels
Parts Needed
Tools and Adhesives Needed