Extra 330L-3D at its Best
3D maneuvers (in simplest terms) are maneuvers performed by
an airplane that are not usually done in a normal airplane flight
path. What can be done with a 3D-capable plane is to make it fly
like no other. For example, hovering in the air nose high at a
45-degree descent, floating along in level flight, hanging on the
prop, or tumble tail-over-nose in a rapid flipping motion. When
you sprinkle these maneuvers together with other loops, rolls,
snaps, and spins, it seems like the aerobatic options are endless.
To fly 3D, you must have a plane that’s capable. What’s capable?
Well, it starts with having outlandish pitch control from having
huge elevators. The same applies, but not to the same extent, with
rudder and ailerons. When it comes to 3D aerobatics, our Extra
330L is
second to none
and has already proven itself in “combat”
having placed first and second in its first Freestyle competition.
The Maneuvers
Let’s cover the seven 3D maneuvers where the Extra really excels.
The Blender
What it is:
The Blender or Panic maneuver is a vertical diving
roll that virtually stops its descent as it instantaneously enters
into a flat spin.
Follow the 3D setup as described in the manual. Be sure
to use Expo. Setting the CG toward the aft location will help, but I
have had great results even at the forward CG location. This is a
wing tester and can be extremely violent but will always generate
gasps of excitement. But done correctly, the Extra can hundle
the challenge.
How to do it:
Start from about 400-500 feet straight and level,
chop throttle, and push the nose straight down. As soon as the
model is diving straight down at low throttle, add full left aileron.
Let the model compete two or three rolls and then quickly
transition the sticks to an inverted snap roll position (left aileron,
right rudder, down elevator) all at the same time. As soon as the
Extra enters a spin, quickly neutralize the ailerons while holding
full right rudder and down elevator. If you do it right, the airplane
will instantly transition from a left roll to a flat spin in the same
direction, and the decent will all but stop.
Add full throttle just after the spin goes flat. That’ll
keep fuel going to the engine, make the rotation
speed high, and help stop the vertical decent.
Simply release rudder and hold just a little down
elevator. The model will stop rotating and begin to fly out. As it
gains airspeed, roll back to upright. Since you’re in 3D mode,
make sure you don’t do anything abrupt, or you’ll stall again.
Setup and Flying
by Mike McConville
The Blender