Non-Computer Radio
Step 2.
Install the servos in the fuselage tail section with the
output shaft to the rear as shown in the photo. If using a non-
computer radio, be sure to install one of the servos with the
Y-harness attached in the top opening (elevator) and the other
servo with the Y-harness attached in the bottom opening
(rudder). Install the other servos in the opposite side of the
fuselage being sure to connect the servo to the other open
connector of the respective Y-harnesses. Don’t forget to tape and
knot the connectors. One of the elevator servos must be a
reversed servo.
Step 3.
Using the screws included with the servos, fasten the
servos in place. You may find it helpful to drill a
" pilot hole
before installing the screws.
Section 5: Installing the Rudder and Elevator Servos