The Parachute
What it is:
The Parachute is a vertical dive that instantly
decelerates in its descent as it instantaneously corners into
an Elevator.
Same as the Elevator, and the raised ailerons help in this
maneuver too.
How to do it:
Start from about 400-500 feet straight and level,
chop throttle, and push the nose straight down. As soon as the
model is diving straight down at low throttle, add full up elevator.
If you do it right, the Extra will instantly transition from a vertical
dive to an Elevator.
Add a little throttle just after transition to an Elevator.
That’ll keep fuel going to the engine and keep it
from quitting.
Simply add full power and reduce elevator to
transition into normal forward flight.
Advanced Recovery:
Juggle the throttle to slowly lose altitude
and do a Harrier landing. The model will land on the rear of the
rudder first, then add a little power so it doesn’t smack the
landing gear too hard.
Worst way to mess up:
To build up too much speed. This
maneuver has huge “WOW” factor, but just like a Blender, too
much speed and it over stresses the wing. Watch the speed.
The Wall
What it is:
The Wall is a Parachute turned on end. The model
starts in normal level flight and suddenly corners nose up 90
degrees, as if it hit a wall.
Same as the Elevator, and the raised ailerons help in this
maneuver too.
How to do it:
Start from about 100 feet straight and level, chop
throttle, and as the model begins to slow down, quickly pull full
up elevator. When the Extra corners to vertical, add full power
and release the up elevator.
Start a low speed and add power at the same time
that you begin to pull full up elevator.
Simply release the elevator, go to full throttle, and fly
out upward.
Advanced Recovery:
Juggle the throttle to sustain a hover
and transition into a Torque Roll.
Worst way to mess up:
Don’t get the throttle in quickly
enough and the model falls backward.
Great combo:
This has become one of my favorites to do with
the Extra. Takeoff normally, but as soon as the Extra is airborne,
chop the throttle and do the Wall, then transition into a Torque
Roll over the runway. Practice all of this stuff up high before you
try that.
I hope you enjoy your Extra as much as I do!
Happy Landings!
Mike McConville
Setup and Flying
by Mike McConville
The Wall
The Parachute