Handy Tech
Elektronik GmbH
Active Braille
Error Messages
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If this warning appears, it is advisable to backup the files stored on your
Active Braille.
"FsVersion x.y, ERR: n: t."
This message appears following any error message relating to the file sys-
tem. It provides information regarding the current version of the file system
(x.y), the number of the error (n), and an error description (t).
"Formatting, please wait!!!"
This message appears while the disk medium is being reformatted
subsequent to a fatal error detected by the file system test.
When formatting has finished, you must reload the message file. All saved
files will have been deleted.
"Change Lithiumbattery"
The internal lithium battery (not the four user accessible rechargeable
batteries) has lost voltage due to aging.
Only manufacturer authorized personnel may change the internal battery,
because the housing must be opened for this purpose. Please send your
Active Braille to an authorized dealer, or directly to Handy Tech.
"WRN: No kbd layout found. Using standard layout."
During the Active Braille's start up procedure no valid keyboard layout table
was found.
The default internal German table will be used.
Download a valid keyboard layout table.
13.2 Error Messages from the Message File
The messages listed below come from the reloadable message file. They include
messages of a general nature, system messages, and Editor messages.
13.2.1 General Messages
"Please wait!!!"
This message appears while the system is executing a task requiring some
time. For example, this would be the case while the system is generating
the file list.
"Cannot execute this function"
A function cannot be executed.
"Deactivating function keys!"
A reminder that function keys have been deactivated. After turning the unit
off and back on, the function keys will again be active.
13.2.2 File System Messages
"No files stored on disk!"
There are no files stored on the disk media.
"Error creating braille character set file"
There is not enough memory in the file system to generate the Braille
character sets.
"New braille set file created! Please reload needed sets!"
The Braille character set file was recreated, because it was either missing
or its size was incorrect. You will have to reload the required character sets
into the Active Braille.