Command Reference
10 Command Refe-
The REMOTE/LOCAL key is illuminated if communication
to the instrument has been established via interface (Re-
mote Control). To return to the local operating mode (Local
Control), press the REMOTE/LOCAL key, provided that the
instrument has not been locked out from local operation
via interface (Local lockout). If local operation is locked,
the instrument cannot be operated via front panel keys.
10.1 Setting Up the Command Structure
A syntax with four letters in a command string specifies a
command. The remaining command string consists of pa-
rameters (variables). Multiple parameters in a command
string are separated by a comma. Parameters in brackets
{ }
can optionally be used or queried whereas parameters
that are not in brackets are requested or queried. Com-
mands that can be queried include a question mark in pa-
following the syntax. Commands that can
only be queried include a question mark
following the
syntax. Do not send
( )
{ }
as part of a command. Certain
variables must be expressed as integers and others as floa
ting point or exponentially. Normally, the variables
are integers whereas the variable
is a real number.
10.2 Supported Command and Data Formats
The query *IDN? queries the bridge HM8118 identification
string. The queried string has the following format:
HAMEG Instruments,‹instrument type›,‹serial
(Example: HAMEG Instruments, HM8118,013206727,1.54).
The *RST command resets all measuring instrument para-
meters to the bridge factory settings (Reset).
The query *OPC? (= Operation Complete) is used to syn-
chronize the sequence of a measurement. The *OPC?
query returns the value 1 if all measurement values of a
measurement sequence were completely captured by the
No remote PC software is available for the HM8118 bridge. The
supported commands can be embedded in any software environ-
ment that is able to send ASCII characters.
To prevent communication errors, it is recommended to avoid
command strings. Each remote command ends with CR (carriage
return) or CR+LF (carriage line feed) (no individual LF).
The HM8118 bridge does not support parallel processing of
measuring instrument and if the instrument is ready to per-
form another measurement.
The *WAI command is a synchronization command that
stops every subsequent command before its execution
until all running measurements are completed. The com-
mands STRT followed by *WAI and XALL? would start a
measurement . However it would block the processing of
further commands until the measurement has been com-
pleted. The XALL? command issues the measurement
*SAV i
The *SAV command saves the current measuring instru-
ment parameters in the memory location. You can select a
memory location between 0 and 9. The measuring instru-
ment always starts with the parameters that are stored in
memory location 0.
*RCL i
The *RCL command activates the stored measuring inst-
rument configuration i and uses it as the current setting.
You can select a memory location between 0 and 9. If the
saved settings (measuring instrument parameters) are in-
complete or have not been saved (e.g. due to an empty
memory location), an error message is displayed when the
command is executed. The *RCL 9 command resets all
measuring instrument parameters to the factory settings.
The LOCK 1 command allows you to lock the instrument
front panel operation. You can unlock this by pressing the
REMOTE key or by using the LOCK 0 command.
The LOCK 0 command allows you to unlock an existing in-
strument lock.
$STL(?) {i}
The $STL command sets the trigger delay time (DELAY)
to i milliseconds. The trigger delay time i can be set any-
where between 0ms and 40000ms. The query $STL? que-
ries the set trigger delay time.
AVGM(?) {i}
The AVGM command activates or deactivates the calcula-
tion of the average (AVG). The function AVG Average Va-
lue is activated, several individual measurements will be
used to form a mean value according to the set period.
i=0 deactivates the calculation of the average (NONE), i=2
sets the calculation of the average to MED. The MED (me-
dium) setting is the medium averaging mode. The bridge
HM8118 performs 6 consecutive measurements, rejects
the lowest and highest measurement values and generates
an average based on the four remaining measurements.
This type of averaging hides individual erroneous mea-
surements. If the calculation of the average is set to i=1,
you can use the NAVG command to select the number of
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