oznako CE. Za dosego varnega in u
inkovitega delovanja, je lahko dvižni vozi
ek poleg
ate površine za obremenitev opremljen z dvižnimi napravami, ki so del standardne
izvedbe. Trenutna zmogljivost dvižnega vozi
ka z dodatki je predstavljena v posebej
pripravljenih navodilih, ki morajo v vprašljivih primerih biti podrobno opisana v navodilih za
uporabo in na oznakah na dvižnem vozi
ku in naprave za dvigovanje.
e je dvižni vozi
ek ob dobavi druga
en glede na originalno zasnovo, originalna oznaka
CE za dvižni vozi
ek ne velja ve
Poleg vgrajenih varnostnih zna
ilnosti so lahko potrebni še dodatni varnostni ukrepi na
samem dvižnem vozi
ku ali njegovi okolici. O primernih ukrepih se pogovorite s
predstavnikom podjetja Hallins ali z osebo odgovorno za varnost, varnostnim
inšpektorjem za industrijo oz. drugo ustrezno osebo.
Za ustrezno stanje delovnih razmer priporo
amo pripravo analize nevarnosti na osnovi
Direktive o strojih.
Podaljški platform, neenakomerne obremenitve, to
kovne obremenitve ali vodoravne
obremenitve niso dovoljene, razen
e so izrecno dovoljene za posamezne primere. Izbira
ustreznega dvižnega vozi
ka je odvisna od zahtev obremenitev, ki veljajo za vsako
posamezno uporabo.
Dvižni vozi
ek je bil oblikovan in opremljen z varnostnimi napravami, ki prepre
poškodbe in nesre
e. Vsekakor je zelo pomembno, da je uporabnik pravilno pou
en o
inih obratovanja dvižnega vozi
Dvižni vozi
ek uporabljajte samo za predvideni namen.
Dvižni vozi
ek morata upravljati dve osebi, ki sta ustrezno usposobljeni in pooblaš
za uporabo. Delovne naloge se na
rtujejo in izvajajo v skladu z navodili delovodstva.
Zapomnite si, da ste kot uporabnik odgovorni, da se nih
e ne poškoduje.
Dvižni vozi
ek in delovno obmo
je morata biti v odli
nem stanju. Okvare je treba
iti delovodstvu. Dvižnega vozi
ka nikoli ne uporabljajte,
e je je prišlo do okvar ali
napak, ki vplivajo na varnost pri delu ali
e je bil dvižni vozi
ek v popravilu, spremenjen
ali prilagojen brez dovoljenja ali odobritve osebe, odgovorne zanj.
Preverite, da se dvižni vozi
ek uporablja na
vrsti, gladki in vodoravni površini. Najve
naklon 2 %.
Operater mora imeti popoln nadzor nad dvižnim vozi
kom in vsemi deli bremena ves
as, ko je v gibanju.
Dvižni vozi
ek se uporablja tako, da do poškodbe osebe ali škode na lastnini nikoli ne
Nosite zaš
itne škornje,
e delovno opravilo to zahteva, zaš
itne rokavice in zaš
Содержание NEWTON 50
Страница 23: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 25: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 27: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 29: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 31: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 32: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 33: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 34: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 35: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 36: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 60: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 62: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 64: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 66: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 68: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 69: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 70: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 71: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 72: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 73: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 97: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 99: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 101: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 103: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 105: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 106: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 107: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 108: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 109: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 110: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 135: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 137: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 139: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 141: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 143: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 144: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 145: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 146: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 147: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 148: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 173: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 175: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 177: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 179: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 181: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 182: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 183: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 184: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 185: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 186: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 211: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 213: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 215: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 217: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 219: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 220: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 221: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 222: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 223: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 224: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 249: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 251: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 253: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 255: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 257: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 258: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 259: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 260: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 261: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 262: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 286: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 288: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 290: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 292: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 294: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 295: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 296: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 297: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 298: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 299: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 324: ...24 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 50...
Страница 326: ...26 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 70...
Страница 328: ...28 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 100...
Страница 330: ...30 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 150...
Страница 332: ...32 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 250...
Страница 333: ...33 17 ELSCHEMA Newton 70...
Страница 334: ...34 17 1 ELSCHEMA Newton 100 150...
Страница 335: ...35 17 2 ELSCHEMA Newton 250...
Страница 336: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 337: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 362: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 364: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 366: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 368: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 370: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 371: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 372: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 373: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 374: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 375: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 399: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 401: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 403: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 405: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 407: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 408: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 409: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 410: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 411: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 412: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 436: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 438: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 440: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 442: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 444: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 445: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 446: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 447: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 448: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 449: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 456: ...6 SS EN 3691 5 2009 100 Newton SS EN 3691 5 2009 CE CE Hallins 6...
Страница 457: ...7 2 Newton 70 250 Newton 50...
Страница 458: ...8 Hallins...
Страница 459: ...9 14...
Страница 460: ...10 7 Newton 2 12 230 50 6 7 1 7 2 ON Newton 50 OFF ON Newton 70 250 OFF ON...
Страница 461: ...11 7 3 8 8 1 Hallins 8 2 24 8 3 20 C 8 4...
Страница 462: ...12 8 5 ON 9 IP 41...
Страница 463: ...13 10 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...
Страница 465: ...15 12 Newton A ON B 8 C B 13...
Страница 475: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 477: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 479: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 481: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 483: ...33 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 484: ...34 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 485: ...35 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 486: ...36 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 487: ...37 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 488: ...38 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 512: ...23 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 50...
Страница 514: ...25 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 70...
Страница 516: ...27 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 100...
Страница 518: ...29 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 150...
Страница 520: ...31 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 250...
Страница 521: ...32 17 ELSCHEMA Newton 70...
Страница 522: ...33 17 1 ELSCHEMA Newton 100 150...
Страница 523: ...34 17 2 ELSCHEMA Newton 250...
Страница 524: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 525: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 550: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 552: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 554: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 556: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 558: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 559: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 560: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 561: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 562: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 563: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 588: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 590: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 592: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 594: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 596: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 597: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 598: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 599: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 600: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 601: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 625: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 627: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 629: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 631: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 633: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 634: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 635: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 636: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 637: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 638: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 662: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 664: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 666: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 668: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 670: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 671: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 672: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 673: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 674: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 675: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...