La manovra di Newton 70-250 si esegue dal posto di comando dietro l'impugnatura del
carrello. Newton 50 può essere manovrato da diverse posizioni.
Non inserire mai le mani, le braccia, altre parti del corpo od oggetti, nel dispositivo di
sollevamento, quando la piattaforma è sollevata.
Non abbassare la piattaforma se lo spazio al di sotto di essa e del carico non sia libero
da persone e ostacoli.
Non spostare il carrello con il carico sollevato. Tenere sempre presente il rischio di
ribaltamento del carico o del carrello stesso.
Non far mai venire il carrello a contatto con oggetti o superfici delimitanti.
Tenere presente il rischio di collisioni fra il carrello elevatore e altri dispositivi mobili
presenti sul luogo di lavoro.
I dispositivi di sicurezza non devono essere disattivati o smontati.
Non è consentito apportare modifiche al carrello elevatore, che ne modifichino la
sicurezza d’uso o di funzionamento.
Targhette e marchi applicati sulla macchina non devono essere rimossi o resi illeggibili.
Movimentare soltanto carichi stabili e ancorati saldamente. Il carico deve gravare
sull’intero piano di carico, non solo su parti di esso.
Deve essere movimentato solo un carico il cui peso rientri nella portata massima del
carrello elevatore.
Il dispositivo di sollevamento deve essere adeguato alla forma e alle dimensioni del
Per motivi di stabilità, cercare sempre di posizionare il carico al centro del piano di
carico. Evitare di trasportare oggetti che sporgano dal piano di carico e assicurarsi
sempre che il carico sia disposto saldamente sul carrello; se necessario, imbracarlo.
Tenere conto del rischio che il carico possa rotolare o cadere.
Usare dispositivi di sollevamento sicuri e di portata sufficiente, per movimentare il carico
da e per il carrello elevatore. Prestare particolare attenzione nella movimentazione di
carichi pesanti e di carichi pericolosi.
Il carrello elevatore deve essere sottoposto alla manutenzione periodica, per prevenire
eventuali infortuni.
Osservare scrupolosamente tutte le norme sulla salute e la sicurezza del lavoro.
È proibito a chiunque salire sulla piattaforma di carico del carrello.
Quando il carrello elevatore rimane incustodito, accertarsi che le ruote siano frenate, per
evitare spostamenti imprevisti. I freni devono essere azionati anche nei casi in cui la
mansione da eseguire lo richieda.
Содержание NEWTON 50
Страница 23: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 25: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 27: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 29: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 31: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 32: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 33: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 34: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 35: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 36: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 60: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 62: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 64: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 66: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 68: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 69: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 70: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 71: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 72: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 73: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 97: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 99: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 101: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 103: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 105: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 106: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 107: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 108: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 109: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 110: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 135: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 137: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 139: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 141: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 143: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 144: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 145: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 146: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 147: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 148: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 173: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 175: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 177: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 179: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 181: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 182: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 183: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 184: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 185: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 186: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 211: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 213: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 215: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 217: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 219: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 220: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 221: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 222: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 223: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 224: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 249: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 251: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 253: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 255: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 257: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 258: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 259: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 260: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 261: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 262: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 286: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 288: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 290: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 292: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 294: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 295: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 296: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 297: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 298: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 299: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 324: ...24 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 50...
Страница 326: ...26 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 70...
Страница 328: ...28 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 100...
Страница 330: ...30 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 150...
Страница 332: ...32 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 250...
Страница 333: ...33 17 ELSCHEMA Newton 70...
Страница 334: ...34 17 1 ELSCHEMA Newton 100 150...
Страница 335: ...35 17 2 ELSCHEMA Newton 250...
Страница 336: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 337: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 362: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 364: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 366: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 368: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 370: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 371: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 372: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 373: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 374: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 375: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 399: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 401: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 403: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 405: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 407: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 408: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 409: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 410: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 411: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 412: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 436: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 438: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 440: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 442: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 444: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 445: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 446: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 447: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 448: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 449: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 456: ...6 SS EN 3691 5 2009 100 Newton SS EN 3691 5 2009 CE CE Hallins 6...
Страница 457: ...7 2 Newton 70 250 Newton 50...
Страница 458: ...8 Hallins...
Страница 459: ...9 14...
Страница 460: ...10 7 Newton 2 12 230 50 6 7 1 7 2 ON Newton 50 OFF ON Newton 70 250 OFF ON...
Страница 461: ...11 7 3 8 8 1 Hallins 8 2 24 8 3 20 C 8 4...
Страница 462: ...12 8 5 ON 9 IP 41...
Страница 463: ...13 10 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...
Страница 465: ...15 12 Newton A ON B 8 C B 13...
Страница 475: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 477: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 479: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 481: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 483: ...33 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 484: ...34 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 485: ...35 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 486: ...36 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 487: ...37 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 488: ...38 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 512: ...23 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 50...
Страница 514: ...25 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 70...
Страница 516: ...27 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 100...
Страница 518: ...29 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 150...
Страница 520: ...31 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 250...
Страница 521: ...32 17 ELSCHEMA Newton 70...
Страница 522: ...33 17 1 ELSCHEMA Newton 100 150...
Страница 523: ...34 17 2 ELSCHEMA Newton 250...
Страница 524: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 525: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 550: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 552: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 554: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 556: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 558: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 559: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 560: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 561: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 562: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 563: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 588: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 590: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 592: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 594: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 596: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 597: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 598: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 599: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 600: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 601: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 625: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 627: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 629: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 631: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 633: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 634: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 635: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 636: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 637: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 638: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 662: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 664: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 666: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 668: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 670: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 671: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 672: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 673: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 674: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 675: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...