Ole varovainen käsitellessäsi vapaasti heilahtelevaa kuormaa.
Nostovaunua ei saa käyttää nosturina esimerkiksi ajoneuvojen nostamiseen.
Nostovaunu ei saa joutua suoraan kosketukseen elintarvikkeiden kanssa.
Nostovaunua ei saa käyttää räjähdysherkässä ympäristössä.
Jos nostovaunua käytetään yleisötiloissa, etenkin paikoissa joissa lapset voivat päästä
koneen työalueelle, käyttäjän on ryhdyttävä riittäviin toimenpiteisiin estääkseen
henkilöiden joutumisen vaara-alueelle. Työalue voidaan esimerkiksi rajata aidoilla, tai
kone varustetaan suojalaitteella. Suosittelemme konedirektiivin mukaisen,
työpaikkakohtaisen riskianalyysin tekemistä.
Tarkastusten, huollon ja korjausten aikana kuormalavalla ei saa olla kuormaa.
Nostovaunun käyttöyksikkö sijaitsee suojakotelon alla. Vain ammattitaitoiset ja riittävän
tarkastus-, huolto- ja korjauspätevyyden omaavat henkilöt saavat irrottaa kotelon.
Osien vaihdoissa saa käyttää ainoastaan Hallinsin alkuperäisiä varaosia. Muussa
tapauksessa takuu voi raueta kokonaisuudessaan.
Moottoritilan suojus ja tietyt muut osat ovat muovia. Niitä ei saa asettaa alttiiksi tulelle tai
syövyttäville kemikaaleille.
Käytöstä poistettuja akkuja on käsiteltävä ympäristölle haitallisena jätteenä, ja ne on
toimitettava asianmukaisiin keruupaikkoihin.
Huomioi takertumisvaara kuormatason ja tukijalkojen sekä kuormatason ja maston
Perehdy myös kilpien kuvauksiin luvussa 14. Tarkasta säännöllisesti, että kaikki kyltit
ovat ehjiä.
Содержание NEWTON 50
Страница 23: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 25: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 27: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 29: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 31: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 32: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 33: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 34: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 35: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 36: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 60: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 62: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 64: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 66: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 68: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 69: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 70: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 71: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 72: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 73: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 97: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 99: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 101: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 103: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 105: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 106: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 107: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 108: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 109: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 110: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 135: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 137: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 139: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 141: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 143: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 144: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 145: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 146: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 147: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 148: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 173: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 175: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 177: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 179: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 181: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 182: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 183: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 184: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 185: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 186: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 211: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 213: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 215: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 217: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 219: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 220: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 221: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 222: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 223: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 224: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 249: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 251: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 253: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 255: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 257: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 258: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 259: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 260: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 261: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 262: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 286: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 288: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 290: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 292: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 294: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 295: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 296: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 297: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 298: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 299: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 324: ...24 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 50...
Страница 326: ...26 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 70...
Страница 328: ...28 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 100...
Страница 330: ...30 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 150...
Страница 332: ...32 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 250...
Страница 333: ...33 17 ELSCHEMA Newton 70...
Страница 334: ...34 17 1 ELSCHEMA Newton 100 150...
Страница 335: ...35 17 2 ELSCHEMA Newton 250...
Страница 336: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 337: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 362: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 364: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 366: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 368: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 370: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 371: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 372: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 373: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 374: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 375: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 399: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 401: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 403: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 405: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 407: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 408: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 409: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 410: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 411: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 412: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 436: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 438: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 440: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 442: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 444: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 445: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 446: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 447: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 448: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 449: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 456: ...6 SS EN 3691 5 2009 100 Newton SS EN 3691 5 2009 CE CE Hallins 6...
Страница 457: ...7 2 Newton 70 250 Newton 50...
Страница 458: ...8 Hallins...
Страница 459: ...9 14...
Страница 460: ...10 7 Newton 2 12 230 50 6 7 1 7 2 ON Newton 50 OFF ON Newton 70 250 OFF ON...
Страница 461: ...11 7 3 8 8 1 Hallins 8 2 24 8 3 20 C 8 4...
Страница 462: ...12 8 5 ON 9 IP 41...
Страница 463: ...13 10 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8...
Страница 465: ...15 12 Newton A ON B 8 C B 13...
Страница 475: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 477: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 479: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 481: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 483: ...33 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 484: ...34 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 485: ...35 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 486: ...36 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 487: ...37 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 488: ...38 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 512: ...23 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 50...
Страница 514: ...25 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 70...
Страница 516: ...27 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 100...
Страница 518: ...29 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 150...
Страница 520: ...31 Positioner se nedanst ende bild Newton 250...
Страница 521: ...32 17 ELSCHEMA Newton 70...
Страница 522: ...33 17 1 ELSCHEMA Newton 100 150...
Страница 523: ...34 17 2 ELSCHEMA Newton 250...
Страница 524: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 525: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 550: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 552: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 554: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 556: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 558: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 559: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 560: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 561: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 562: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 563: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 588: ...24 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 590: ...26 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 592: ...28 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 594: ...30 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 596: ...32 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 597: ...33 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 598: ...34 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 599: ...35 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 600: ...36 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 601: ...37 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 625: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 627: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 629: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 631: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 633: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 634: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 635: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 636: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 637: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 638: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...
Страница 662: ...23 Positions see picture below Newton 50...
Страница 664: ...25 Positions see picture below Newton 70...
Страница 666: ...27 Positions see picture below Newton 100...
Страница 668: ...29 Positions see picture below Newton 150...
Страница 670: ...31 Positions see picture below Newton 250...
Страница 671: ...32 17 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 70...
Страница 672: ...33 17 1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 100 150...
Страница 673: ...34 17 2 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM Newton 250...
Страница 674: ...35 18 HANDCONTROL AND STEPSWITCH Newton 70 250...
Страница 675: ...36 19 WIRINGDIAGRAM Newton 70 250...