Using the Remote Control
General Controls
2 User’s Guide, v6.0, Issue 01
To move up and down a page at a time, press the CH+ or CH- button.
To exit the guide and return to the television picture, press the GUIDE button.
To select a channel for viewing, place the cursor on it using the up or down ARROW button
and press OK. Or you can press the channel number on the remote to move the cursor to
that channel in the guide; then press OK to tune that channel.
To exit the guide, press the GUIDE button.
These are the four ARROW buttons in the center of the control surrounding the OK button.
These buttons are used to move the cursor to navigate around the various menus.
The OK button is generally used to select an item on the screen.
In most menus the left ARROW button returns to the previous menu or back to video from
the top level menu.
This displays the current program information for the show that is currently playing. To exit
this screen, press the INFO button or wait and it will disappear.
This displays an alphanumeric keypad. As you type a search phrase, the STB displays the
program titles matching the search string in the panel to the right.
To type a search phrase, use the navigation arrows to move the cursor over the next letter
of the search phrase and then press OK to select that letter. In the same way, you can select
“DEL” (to delete the letter to the left of the cursor), SP (space character) or CLR (clear
Alternately, you can press the ALPHA buttons on the remote the number of times equal to
the position of the letter needed (e.g., press the 8 button once to select the letter “T”, the 6
button three times to select “O” and so on). Pressing the ALPHA button a fourth time
displays the number on the button. When using the ALPHA buttons, pause three seconds
after entering one character to accept that entry and advance the cursor for the next entry.
Continue entering characters until the program of interest appears in the program list to the
To add the show to your ToDo list, move the cursor to the show by pressing the right navi-
gation arrow, then press the up or down ARROW button to highlight the program and press
the OK button. A confirmation prompt appears asking whether you wish to add the program
to your ToDo list. Selecting “Yes” adds it, selecting “No” or allowing the prompt to timeout
cancels the add request.
To exit this screen, press the SEARCH button.