vario flex
Order h49 7144.907-333
8.3 Workpiece
Serious injuries caused by parts being ejected
centrifugally when workpiece is not clamped at
permitted level!
With short clamping lengths and manual loading,
the ejector may cause the workpiece to tilt while
being loaded. Due to the resultant imbalance,
there is a risk of the workpiece starting to tumble
and to get ejected forcefully.
If the gas pressure spring is not clamped suffi-
ciently, it can slip during continuous operation and
cannot be ejected properly.
Crushing injuries to hands / fingers is workpiece
is installed incorrectly!
Do not place hands / fingers between workpiece
and product.
Never reach into the clamping area.
Burns caused by high workpiece temperature!
Give preference to automatic loading.
Also wear the following items of personal protec-
tive equipment, in addition to the basic equip-
8.4 Procedure after a collision
In the event of a collision, the product and its components
must be checked for cracks and damage before being used
For this, remove the product from the machine [see »Re-
moval of the product« chapter] and dismantle it [for level of
disassembly, see »Cleaning« chapter].