Operation Manual – AAA-RADIUS-HWTACACS
H3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches
Table 1-1
Main values of the Code field
Packet type
1 Access-Request
From the client to the server. A packet of this
type carries user information for the server to
authenticate the user. It must contain the
User-Name attribute and can optionally
contain the attributes of NAS-IP-Address,
User-Password, and NAS-Port.
2 Access-Accept
From the server to the client. If all the attribute
values carried in the Access-Request are
acceptable, that is, the authentication
succeeds, the server sends an
Access-Accept response.
3 Access-Reject
From the server to the client. If any attribute
value carried in the Access-Request is
unacceptable, the server rejects the user and
sends an Access-Reject response.
4 Accounting-Request
From the client to the server. A packet of this
type carries user information for the server to
start accounting on the user. It contains the
Acct-Status-Type attribute, which indicates
whether the server is requested to start the
accounting or to end the accounting.
5 Accounting-Response
From the server to the client. The server
sends to the client a packet of this type to
notify that it has received the
Accounting-Request and has correctly
recorded the accounting information.
2) The Identifier field (1-byte long) is for matching request packets and response
packets. It varies with the Attribute field and the received valid response packets,
but keeps unchanged during retransmission.
3) The Length field (2-byte long) indicates the length of the entire packet, including
the Code, Identifier, Length, Authenticator, and Attribute fields. Bytes beyond the
length are considered the padding and are neglected at receipt. If the length of a
received packet is less than that indicated by the Length field, the packet is
4) The Authenticator field (16-byte long) is used to authenticate the reply from the
RADIUS server, and is also used in the password hiding algorithm. There are two
kinds of authenticators: Request and Response.
The Attribute field carries information about the configuration details of a request
or response. This field is represented in triplets of Type, Length, and Value.
Type: One byte, in the range 1 to 255. It is for indicating the type of the attribute.
Commonly used attributes for RADIUS authentication and authorization are listed
Table 1-2