Operation Manual – IPv6
H3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 1 IPv6 Basics Configuration
ICMPv6 error packets cannot be sent out until the number of tokens in the token bucket
is updated and new tokens are added to the bucket.
Follow these steps to configure the capacity and update period of the token bucket:
To do…
Use the command…
Enter system view
Configure the
capacity and
update period of
the token bucket
ipv6 icmp-error
} *
By default, the capacity of a token
bucket is 10 and the update period
is 100 milliseconds. That is, at most
10 IPv6 ICMP error packets can be
sent within these 100 milliseconds.
The update period “0” indicates that
the number of ICMPv6 error
packets sent is not restricted.
1.8.2 Enable Sending of Multicast Echo Replies
If hosts are capable of relying multicast echo requests, Host A can attack Host B by
sending an echo request with the source being Host B to a multicast address, then all
the hosts in the multicast group will send echo replies to Host B. Therefore, a device is
disabled from replying multicast echo requests by default.
Follow these steps to enable sending of multicast echo replies:
To do…
Use the command…
Enter system view
Enable sending of
multicast echo replies
ipv6 icmpv6
multicast-echo-reply enable
Not enabled by
1.9 Configuring IPv6 DNS
1.9.1 Configuring Static IPv6 Domain Name Resolution
Configuring static IPv6 domain name resolution is to establish the mapping between
host name and IPv6 address. When applying such applications as Telnet, you can
directly use a host name and the system will resolve the host name into an IPv6
address. Each host name can correspond to only one IPv6 address.