Operation Manual – IPv6
H3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 3 Tunneling Configuration
[SwitchB] interface vlan-interface 100
[SwitchB-Vlan-interface100] ip address 24
[SwitchB-Vlan-interface100] quit
# Configure a route to VLAN-interface 100 of Switch A. (Here the next-hop address of
the static route is represented by [nexthop]. In practice, you should configure the real
next-hop address according to the network.)
[SwitchB] ip route-static 24 [nexthop]
# Configure an IPv6 address for VLAN-interface 101.
[SwitchB] vlan 101
[SwitchB-vlan101] port ethernet 1/0/3
[SwitchB-vlan101] quit
[SwitchB] interface vlan-interface 101
[SwitchB-Vlan-interface101] ipv6 address 2002:0501:0101:1::1/64
[SwitchB-Vlan-interface101] quit
# Configure the 6to4 tunnel.
[SwitchB] interface tunnel 0
[SwitchB-Tunnel0] ipv6 address 2002:0501:0101::1/64
[SwitchB-Tunnel0] source vlan-interface 100
[SwitchB-Tunnel0] tunnel-protocol ipv6-ipv4 6to4
[SwitchB-Tunnel0] quit
# Configure the tunnel to reference link aggregation group 1 in tunnel interface view.
[SwitchB-Tunnel0] aggregation-group 1
[SwitchB-Tunnel0] quit
# Configure a static route whose destination address is 2002::/16 and the next hop is
the tunnel interface.
[SwitchB] ipv6 route-static 2002:: 16 tunnel0
IV. Configuration verification
After the above configuration, ping Host B from Host A or ping Host A from Host B.
D:\>ping6 -s 2002:201:101:1::2 2002:501:101:1::2
Pinging 2002:501:101:1::2
from 2002:201:101:1::2 with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from 2002:501:101:1::2: bytes=32 time=13ms
Reply from 2002:501:101:1::2: bytes=32 time=1ms
Reply from 2002:501:101:1::2: bytes=32 time=1ms
Reply from 2002:501:101:1::2: bytes=32 time<1ms
Ping statistics for 2002:501:101:1::2: