file: n:\article\cos14310m5-v1_08hpc-en\20150130_cos14310m5-v1.08hpc-en_instructions_for_use_h-p-cosmos_treadmill.doc
© 2015 h/p/cosmos sports & medical gmbh author: fh [email protected] created 30.01.2015 printed 30.01.2015 page: 45 of 216
Application: Gait analysis and rehabilitation with force measurement plates
The h/p/cosmos Kistler Gaitway
is an h/p/cosmos treadmill based on the model mercury
med, equipped with two
Kistler force measurement plates. It is the only h/p/cosmos treadmill with these features. The system measures the
vertical ground reaction forces and thereby collects a large amount of force and time-based gait parameters. The total
force path can be displayed with the Kistler Gaitway
software. Experts know how to interpret the force path and use it
as basis for therapy.
Gait analysis is indicated in the following cases:
Pathologic gait pattern, arthritis in ankles
Femoropatellar syndrome
Knee joint problems
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
The following figures show four examples of the clinical benefit of h/p/cosmos gaitway
with KISTLER force plates:
Arthritis in the upper ankle
4 weeks later
Femoropatellar syndrome
4 weeks later
After four weeks of gait therapy you can see a considerable improvement of gait symmetry, documented by comparison of
the ground reaction forces.
Jumper’s knee
VKB plastic
Further literature about gait analysis, confirming the benefit of using treadmills: Dr. rer. medic. A. Nagel / Dr. med. A. Spitz
Instrumentale Ganganalyse – Praktische Anwendung und Versorgungsbeispiele
Versorgungsbeispiel 1: Bewegungsanalyse und Einlagen,