Wear protective (fire-proof) clothing (cotton, overalls or jeans).Wear protective gloves
and a fire-proof apron.
Ensure other people keep a safe distance from the work area and do not look directly at
the welding arc.
Protect others by installing fire-proof protection walls.
Fire risks:
Remove all flammable products from the work area. Do not work in presence of flam
mable gases.
Do not inhale welding gases and fumes. Use the device in a well-ventilated environment,
with artificial extraction if welding indoors.
Additional precau-
Any welding operation undertaken in
- rooms where there is an increased risk of electric shocks,
- Poorly ventilated rooms,
- In the presence of flammable or explosive material,
…should always be approved by a «responsible expert», and made in presence of people
trained to intervene in case of emergency.
Technical protection as described in the Technical Specification CEI/IEC 62081 must be
implemented. Welding in raised positions is forbidden, except in case of safety platforms
People wearing Pacemakers are advised to see their doctor before using this device.
Do not use the welding unit to unfreeze pipes.
Handle gas bottles with care - there is increased danger if the bottle or its valve are damaged.
The electric currents flowing through a conductor cause electrical and magnetic fields (EMF).
All welders should use the following guidelines to minimize exposure to the welding circuit’s electroma-
gnetic fields
- Regroup the electrode cables and the earth clamp. If possible, attach them with tape
- Do not roll the electrode cable, torch or the earth clamp around the body.
- Do not stand between the cables. If the electrode cable or torch is on the right, the work cable should
also be on the right.
- Connect the earth cable to the workpiece as close as possible to the welding area.
- Do not work next to the welding power source.
• Overview
The user is responsible for installing and using the arc welding equipment in accordance with the manufacturer’s instruc
tions. If electromagnetic disturbances are detected, it is the responsibility of the arc welding equipment user to resolve
the situation with the manufacturer’s technical assistance. In some cases this remedial action may be as simple as ear
thing the welding circuit (see note). In other cases, it may be necessary to construct an electromagnetic shield around
the welding power source and around the entire piece by fitting input filters. In all cases, electromagnetic interferences
must be reduced until they are no longer a problem.
• Assessment of the welding area
Before installing the device, the user must evaluate the potential electromagnetic problems that may arise in the area
where the installation is planned, especially the following:
a. Other cables, control cables, telephone cables: above, below and besides the device;
b. TV and radio receivers/transmitters ;
c. Computers and other control equipments ;
d. Critical equipment such as safety controls of industrial equipment ;
e. The health and safety of the people who are close to the machine, e.g. people who wear a pacemaker, a hearing aid,
etc ... ;
f. Equipment used to calibrate and measure ;
g. The immunity from other devices installed in the area using the device. The user will have to make sure that the
devices in the same room are compatible with each other. This may require additional precautions;
h. The time of day during which the unit must operate;
The surface of the area to be considered around the device depends on the the building’s structure and other activities
that take place there. The considered area can be larger than the limits fixed by the companies.