GDM-8352 User Manual
Secondary Display: CONFigure2 Commands
Sets measurement to DC Voltage on the second display and
specifies the range.
Parameter: [None] | [Range(<NRf> | MIN | MAX | DEF)]
Example: CONF2:VOLT:DC 1
Sets the voltage range to 2 volts.
Sets measurement to AC Voltage on the second display and
specifies the range.
Parameter: [None] | [Range(<NRf> | MIN | MAX | DEF)]
Example: CONF2:VOLT:AC
Sets the measurement mode to AC voltage.
Sets measurement to DC Current on the second display and
specifies the range.
Parameter: [None] | [Range(<NRf> | MIN | MAX | DEF)]
Example: CONF2:CURR:DC 10e-3
Sets the DC current range to 20mA on the second display.
Sets measurement to AC Current on the second display and
specifies the range.
Parameter: [None] | [Range(<NRf> | MIN | MAX | DEF)]
Example: CONF2:CURR:AC 10e-2
Sets the measurement mode to ACI with a 200mA range on the
second display.