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Functional profile and user manual
Original functional profile and user manual.
This functional profile describes Grundfos Modbus for IPP.
Setting the Modbus transmission speed
CIM 260 Modbus 3G/4G Cellular setup
Setting the Industrial Ethernet protocol
Establish connection to the webserver
CIM configuration register block
Cellular network real time clock
Pit control and configuration register block
Alarm simulation register block
Detailed descriptions of registers
Separation of reads and writes
CIU 202 Modbus RTU commissioning, step-by-step
Hardware setup, CIU 262 call-up connection
Hardware setup, CIU 262 data connection
CIU 502 Modbus TCP communication setup
Detailed descriptions of functionality
Write multiple registers, 0x10
Diagnostics register interpretation
Diagnostics: Return query data
Reading the CIM configuration register block
13.10 Reading the pit water level