In the client pass/fail section, there is a slider for the client pass/fail threshold in which
the user can view the conditions of satisfying this threshold for a particular value. Before
checking the pass/fail criteria, click any client within the heatmap and check the value
of the different measurements made for that client. A “passing” measurement indicates a
black dot on the heatmap where the client is located. A “failing” measurement is shown by
a red dot within the black dot for the client location.
The criteria for passing/failing for the various metrics is defined as follows:
• For signal strength (RSSI):
If RSSI ≥ threshold value, PASS
If RSSI < threshold value, FAIL
• For throughput :
If throughput ≥ threshold value, PASS
If throughput < threshold value, FAIL
• For latency:
If latency ≥ threshold value, FAIL
If latency < threshold value, PASS
• For SNR:
If SNR ≥ threshold value, PASS
If SNR < threshold, FAIL
DRAFT #2—11.16.16