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Connecting the Master to Another Network
Problem: The application is stuck on the screen, indicating that the master controller is
not found, but the access point network is connected.
1. Make sure that the master, clients, and application/device are present in the same
area, within range of the master’s Wi-Fi signal, and that the application is currently
connected to the AirScout SSID.
2. Ensure that the master is plugged into the access point network and maintains an IP
route in both directions for all access points connected to the network.
a. If there is not a route available due to access control restrictions, firewalls, or other
network configuration issues, please consult the manuals for the network equipment
and/or IT professionals who installed or manage the network.
3. Switch the application device’s Wi-Fi network to the access point Wi-Fi network.
4. The master will be found on the access point network and, as long as an IP route is
available, the error should clear.
DRAFT #2—11.16.16